Compared to other activities there
was not as much collaboration as you would usually see. Because we are doing
the work online through a Google spreadsheet, it was easier to get everyone’s
ideas. Normally group projects can be difficult because everyone has different
schedules. I enjoyed using Google Docs because it was an easy way to share the
information and everyone could do it at their own pace. Also, it is nice to know
that the teacher will be able to see what students contributed. This way
everyone gets individual credit for doing the assignment.
that I see the final list, I see so many more technologies that I could use and
did not even think of. Since my group had Fine Arts majors and History majors, I
got to see other technologies that I would not have seen for my major. Blogging
is one that comes up a couple times on our spreadsheet because it is a way to
get students to use the internet and express ideas with other students. One
technology that I came across to use for a Social Studies classroom were social
networking sites. For students to create a fake MySpace page for a historical
figure is a great way to get them excited about history.
We recently just discussed using
technology to promote literacy in our READ 411. I think especially with
history, using online databases is a great to help students write research papers
while using technology. Also, Skyping with other schools and countries helps
students learn what other cultures are like first hand, rather than just
reading about them.